newyears-san, くろくまさん、おはいようございます(カナダでね)。
whenever I leave my house it starts raining.
Funny, I've never seen 内 been used for house, always just 家, whether it's uchi or ie. Maybe someone knows, when 内 is considered appropriate?!? (People here tend to know stuff like that!
I have a few ideas for you regarding this sentence.
First, I am pretty sure that you used your goal grammar point たびに correctly, meaning 'whenever'.
Second, about the use of 内 vs. 家. When you are referring to your own house or home I think you can use 内 with the pronunciation of
uchi. If you use 家, then I believe it would be pronounced
ie in this context. Both would be translated as home here. 内 is used to indicate a place or family or even a company that you are a part of. A point that I learned from 奈津子先生 is that if you are in doubt about a kanji to use, then use hiragana instead. That is what is great about Japanese; you have so many choices.
Third, I would use a different auxiliary verb to indicate that it "starts raining", [-dasu]. The tense of the verb before たびに is restricted to non-past format. I am not sure about the tense of the last verb in this case though, but maybe it can be either progressive or plain present tense. Maybe we need a native speaker for this distinction.
内を出るたびに、雨が降り出します。Whenever I leave home, it starts to rain.
内を出るたびに、雨が降り出しています。???Whenever I leave home, it starts raining.
Hope I didn't lead you astray