こんにちは!ダニと申します。アルゼンチン人です。I love listening to Natsuko-san and Peter-san!!! I'm about to finish Beginner Season 1.
I have a question about a sentence that I came up with playing a pokémon game in Japanese.
The sentence is as follows, it is a description of a pokémon:
たいないに おさまりきらずに もれだした エネルギーが かたまり オレンジいろの けっしょうになった。
What I'm able to understand and I'm not sure if I'm correct is:
体内に inside the body
収まりきらずに = 収まり + きら + ずに = accumulate + complete/finish + negation = not finished to accumulate
漏れ出した = leaked out
エネルギー = energy
かたまり = lump /solidified
オレンジ色 = orange color
結晶になった = became crystalized
So it would be "The leaked out energy that did not finish to accumulate inside the body, became orange lumps of crystals."
Would this be accurate?
I'm very confused by おさまりきらずに
What is きら here? A dictionary I have says that is it added to pre-masu to mean "complete/finish" then you have ずに added to pre-nai form to mean "negation", what type of negation? What is the super condensated word? I'm going crazy :-/
The Dictionaries of Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Japanese Grammar and my particle books don't tell me much :-/ This is what I was able to translate, but I'm not sure it is correct.
Could you please help me out? お願いします!!!!