Javizy wrote:I think I must have missed the survival phrases on interracial sex-fuelled relationships.
The mind boggles. I wonder which actors would provide the dialogue. Or what wonderful tags Markystar would come up with. 笑
maybe it's an extra on the Premium-plus subscription.
Love (or sex) is as valid a motive as any for learning a language, and I think you'd need reasonably high skill to be successful.
Even if it isn't a primary motivation, language is about communication. Communicating with the opposite sex is usually the most fun. Learning Japanese might narrow (or is that expand) your opportunities a bit more. Relationships are going to develop amongst the people you talk to, with whom you can find common interests, goals, desires, values whatever.
As to specifically preferring Japanese partners...
well, by sexual orientation you tend to discard half the human race for starters, then you probably want someone within a specific age range. Education, religion, smoking, drinking, height, weight, leaving the top off the toothpaste might be an issue too. So being specific about other characteristics such as race isn't really that odd. If someone can say they find tall blondes attractive, or have a thing for Irish redheads, why can't they say they find dark haired Japanese attractive.
That said traversing the planet for a date isn't the most practical. You are more likely to find someone nearby. For some people that
is Japan however. But I wouldn't dismiss how the Internet and cheap air travel has shrunk the planet a bit.
The original question, which I read as;
Is there some sort of cultural bar in Japan to mixed race marriages?
No, not that I'm aware of.