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KanjiHybrid wrote:
Strong Enough (Cher)
I don't 要eed your 憐ympathy
There's 無othing you can 言ay or do for me
And I don't want a miracle
You'll never 変hange for no 人ne
I 聞ear your 謂easons why
所here did you 寝leep 作ast 夜ight?
And was she 価orth it, was she 価orth it?
Cause I'm 強trong 足nough
To 暮ive 無ithout you
強trong 足nough and I 止uit 泣rying
永ong 足nough 今ow I'm 強trong 足nough
To 知now you gotta go
There's no 多ore to 言ay
So 保ave your 息reath
And 後hen 退alk away
No 件atter 何hat I 聞ear you 言ay
I'm 強trong 足nough to 知now you gotta go
So you 感eel mis-解nderstood
Baby, have I got news for you
On being 使sed, I could 書rite a 本ook
You don't wanna 聞ear about it
I've been 失osing 寝leep
You've been going 安heap
She aint 価orth 半alf of me it's 真rue
I'm 教elling you
Now I'm 強trong 足nough to 活ive 無ithout you
強trong 足nough and I 止uit 泣rying
永ong 足nough 今ow I'm 強trong 足nough
To 知now you gotta go
Come hell or 水aters 高igh
You'll never 見ee me 泣ry
This is our last 訣oodbye, it's 真rue
I'm 伝elling you
That I'm 強trong 足nough to 活ive 無ithout you
強trong 足nough and I 止uit 泣rying
永ong 足nough 今ow Im 強trong 足nough
To 知now you gotta go
There's no 多ore to 伝ay
So 保ave your 息reath
And you 退alk away
No 件atter 何hat I 聞ear you 言ay
I'm 強trong 足nough to 知now you gotta go
Fedgrub wrote:This is a really great way of learning Kanji, even though it still does require a lot of thought into sentence structure... It still helps a lot!
KanjiHybrid wrote:
I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor)
初irst I was 怖fraid
I was 凅etrified
Kept 考hinking I could never 暮ive
無ithout you by my 傍ide
But then I 過pent so 多any 夜ights
考hinking how you did me 悪rong
And I 育rew 強trong
And I 習earned how to 続arry-on
and so you're 戻ack from 宇uterspace
I just 歩alked in to find you here
with that 悲ad 形ook upon your 顔ace
I should have 変hanged that 愚tupid lock
I should have made you 置eave your 鍵ey
If I had 知nown for just 一ne 秒econd
you'd be 戻ack to 悩other me
Go 今ow go 歩alk out the 扉oor
just 転urn- 回round 今ow
because you're not 仰elcome anymore
weren't you the 人ne 誰ho 試ried to 傷urt me with 訣oodbye
you 思hink I'd 崩rumble
you 思hink I'd 倒ay-down and 死ie
Oh no, not I
I will 残urvive
as long as I 知now how to 愛ove
I 知now I will 残tay 生live
I've got 全ll my 命ife to 暮ive
I've got 全ll my 愛ove to give
and I'll 残urvive
I will 残urvive
hey hey
It took 全ll the 力trength I had
not to 落all-別part
kept 試rying 難ard to mend
the 部ieces of my 傷roken 心eart
and I過pent oh so 多any 夜ights
just 感eeling 詫orry for 自yself
I used to 泣ry
But 今ow I 持old my 頭ead up 高igh
and you 見ee me
誰omebody 新ew
I'm not that 鎖hained up 小ittle 人erson
still in 愛ove with you
and so you 感elt like dropping in
and just 予xpect me to be 自ree
今ow I'm 保aving 全ll my 愛oving
for 誰omeone who's 愛oving me
Go 今ow go 歩alk out the 扉oor
just 転urn- 回round 今ow
because you're not 仰elcome anymore
weren't you the 人ne 誰ho 試ried to 傷urt me with 訣oodbye
you 思hink I'd 崩rumble
you 思hink I'd 倒ay-down and 死ie
Oh no, not I
I will 残urvive
as long as I 知now how to 愛ove
I 知now I will 残tay 生live
I've got 全ll my 命ife to 暮ive
I've got 全ll my 愛ove to give
and I'll 残urvive
I will 残urvive
Oh, go 今ow go 歩alk out the 扉oor
just 転urn- 回round 今ow
because you're not 仰elcome anymore
weren't you the 人ne 誰ho 試ried to 破reak me with 訣oodbye
you 思hink I'd 崩rumble
you 思hink I'd 倒ay-down and 死ie
Oh no, not I
I wil l残urvive
as long as I 知now how to 愛ove
I 知now I 感eel 生live
I've got 全ll my 命ife to 暮ive
I've got 全ll my 愛ove to give
and I'll 残urvive
I will 残urvive[/b]
maxiewawa wrote:残 actually means "disabled" in Chinese!