Hello to all,
My daughter (12) and I have decided to learn Japanese together. She has been fascinated with Japanese culture, food, music and, yes Manga and Anime for at least 2 years now, and has expressed consistent interest in learning the language. I simply love languages, and am similarly enthusiastic. My daughter spent some time at the local community college with a Japanese tutor, and LOVED it. Our plan is to work toward fluency in everyday conversational Japanese, such that after significant time and effort, we can carry on our daily conversations in Japanese. It's a lofty goal, but we're not adverse to effort and taking the time to do it right.
Anyway, thanks for providing such a wonderful resource, and we'd like to start by translating our names into Japanese, written and spoken. How would you think you best translate these two?
Mark Tosiello
Kyra Tosiello
English pronunciation of my daughter's name is KEER'-ah, not KYE'-ra, and the last name is pronounced as it's spelled: TOS'-ee-ELL'-oh
Arigato gozaimasu in advance!