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The presentation thread

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The presentation thread

Postby Tiduas » May 2nd, 2006 5:37 pm

Hi all!

I today thougt about to present myself in Japanese, but i couldn't think of many ways to do it.
So i thougt to create a topic about it here.
What i want you guys to do is to write down some ways to say things about yourself.
It could be youre name, where you live, age, what you usual wearing and doing on free time. Just some way to describe yourself ^_^ (you must not use yourself as the object, just so we get the thing).

And if you can, please write in both Romaji and Kana so they are easier to practice.

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Postby Defrex » May 3rd, 2006 2:14 am

There will probably be plenty of errors here, because I'm a beginner by far (Gomen ne in advance). Also, I don't have IME on this computer. :roll:

watashi wa namae no defrex desu. Toronto no Kanada wo sumau. Anime no otaku desu. :wink: ni-juu-ichi-sai desu. Nihongo no shyogakushya desu.

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Postby Liz21 » May 3rd, 2006 3:02 am

ongaku ga dai suki desu


Moderator edit: Double post deleted (Jonas)

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Postby Tiduas » May 3rd, 2006 4:49 am

I forgot to write, please put a translation with to so i can learn something from it ^_^

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Postby Liz21 » May 3rd, 2006 11:46 am

ongaku ga dai suki desu

I like music very much

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Postby JockZon » May 3rd, 2006 11:53 am

I think it would be:
Watashi no namae wa ... desu
Not the other way around because it's YOUR name and not the Name's.

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Postby Defrex » May 4th, 2006 10:05 pm

lol, good point. It seems obvious not that it's pointed out.

watashi no namae wa defrex desu. <My name is defrex>
Toronto no Kanada wo sumau. <I reside in Toronto Canada>
Anime no otaku desu. :wink: <I'm an anime nerd>
ni-juu-ichi-sai desu. <21 years old I am>
Nihongo no shyogakushya desu. <I'm a Japanese beginner>

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Postby Brody » May 8th, 2006 10:02 pm

Toronto no Kanada wo sumau. <I reside in Toronto Canada>

Hi, I don't mean to be a prude or anything but, more of a helping hand (because I've made the same mistakes millions of times myself.

I think it should be: kanada no toronto ni sumau.
1) When stating locations in Japanese you list them in the opposite order of English (i.e. from biggest to smallest) that is, when in English you would say I live in Atlanta, Georgia, USA (smallest to biggest), in Japanese you would say: I live in Amerika no Jiorugia no atoranta (biggest to smallest). It works on the same concept as names (i.e. family name then given name (Sheekusupia Takahashi) and with businesses (Sonii no Gibuson desu [I am Gibson from Sony).
2) Use ni since Toronto is a definite location wo is a direct object marker, so toronto wo sumu would be akin to, I live to Toronto.

And again, please know that I'm not lecturing or anything, it's just friend to friend.

As for the intro, my American friend who speaks Japanese always tells a little joke when he introduces himself in formal situations. His last name is Hanks and Tom Hanks is very popular in Japan so he would say something akin to 私はジョ-.ハンクスと申します。トム.ハンクスの息子ではありません。 It would be the first thing he would say and everyone would laugh pretty hard because, as a Japanese friend later told us, they would hear Hanks and immediately wonder if Joe was that Hanks, so it was kind of like he was reading their minds.

Anyway, my point is, a nice little ice breaker is always fun.

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Postby Jason » May 9th, 2006 2:57 am

Brody wrote:And again, please know that I'm not lecturing or anything, it's just friend to friend.

Hey. People come here to learn. Lecture all you want. :mrgreen: And I certainly wouldn't call that being a prude. I'd call it helping people use the language correctly.
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Postby Defrex » May 10th, 2006 2:19 am

Indeed, please help me. I'll never learn if nobody corrects my mistakes. Arigatou.

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Re: The presentation thread

Postby furyou_gaijin » May 16th, 2006 10:40 pm

Tiduas wrote:Hi all!

I today thougt about to present myself in Japanese, but i couldn't think of many ways to do it.
So i thougt to create a topic about it here.

To quote the opening paragraph of a famous book:



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Postby surGeon » May 18th, 2006 10:02 pm

I'm a noob to^^.

watashi no namae Jimmy aka surGeon desu, watashi wa sukoshi nihongo ga wakarimasu demo mada shuujuku jearimasen, watashi wa norwaeejin desu. yoroshku onegai shimasu.
meaning (i think):
my name is Jimmy aka surGeon, i understand a little japanese but i'm not very good at it yet (downplaying my ability sux^^), i'm a norwgian. nice to meet you.

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