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pitagora suicchi

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pitagora suicchi

Postby kinoko » April 25th, 2006 12:14 pm

awesome rube goldberg devices... and dancing ninja.
the early bird may get the worm, but the late-rising worm lives.

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Postby mari » November 10th, 2006 4:28 pm

I'm a huge fan on the Pythagoras Switch stuff I've seen on YouTube. And best of all, it's made for pre-schoolers so I actually understand all the Japanese!

I've searched and searched for DVDs to buy to no avail. Does anyone know if Pythagoras Switch is on DVD, and how I can get my hands on it? (Subtitles and DVD zone are not an issue.) Has anyone in Japan seen it on DVD?


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Postby Gaikokujin » April 13th, 2007 9:36 pm

Dattebayo have got fansubs of ピタゴラ, available free to download as BitTorrents. They're great, you can hear the Japanese and relate it straight to the subtitles at the bottom - as it's a children's show, they tend to speak slowly, and repeat things a few times. :D I'm a big fan of the 'otōsan suicchi' they have at the end of the episodes!

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Postby osekihan » April 13th, 2007 11:43 pm

OMG! I love that stuff. So addicting.

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Postby Belton » April 16th, 2007 12:50 pm

I bought a book/DVD combination of the gadget title sequences of Pitakora Suichii. Haven't watched it yet. No player. It could just be better quality version of the stuff posted on YouTube.
Haven't been able to find DVD of the show itself (yet), but I've managed to catch a couple on early morning TV during my holiday.

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