Yoshiko is also a literal translation of my name. But I think I would'nt use it.
It would be:
Aafke アフケ
van Ewijk バン エワイク
of 'a-fu-ke' and 'ba-n' I'm quite sure, but 'e-wa-i-ku' is a guess.
I don't know what to make of 'ij'. Also 'aa' and 'e' (in this case) are long vowels, but not like the long vowels in Japanese. And 'e' in 'Aafke' is more like the 'u' in the English 'hut'.
In may, I'm doing exams for my black belt (karate) and I will get (I hope) a belt with my surname on it in Japanese. But as they will only see my name on paper, I wonder if it'll work. I fact, it doesn't matter. because the other karateka can't read it - it's in Japanese.
Very useful. But it looks nice.