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Black & white graphic on websites? What are they?

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Black & white graphic on websites? What are they?

Postby iheartokyo » April 6th, 2007 5:34 am

I have noticed on a lot of Japanese websites that there is a little black and white graphic in a square. An example is the one at the bottom of the oioi website:

What is it for? Is it to download onto cell phones or something? I am intrigued! Thanks.

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Postby Joey » April 6th, 2007 5:46 am

I think that is it.
I don't know much about this topic but I think people use their cellphones to take pictures of those things and then it loads information on to their phone about whatever they just scanned.
I think there is another topic here talking about this too.

Edit: here's the other topic with more information: ... php?t=1219

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Postby dmr214 » April 6th, 2007 5:48 am

As unbelievable as it is, what you do is put your cell phone up to that and your phone will automatically go to that webpage.

It's seriously cool. they have those things on buses trains, taxis, restaurant menus, anything you can think of. Forgot your 10% off coupon, just go to the menu with your phone, go to the web page and show the waiter. 10% off.

Cool huh? I need to get one of those!!

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Postby Ulver_684 » April 6th, 2007 7:10 pm

dmr214 wrote:As unbelievable as it is, what you do is put your cell phone up to that and your phone will automatically go to that webpage.

It's seriously cool. they have those things on buses trains, taxis, restaurant menus, anything you can think of. Forgot your 10% off coupon, just go to the menu with your phone, go to the web page and show the waiter. 10% off.

Cool huh? I need to get one of those!!

Sounds interest to me, I need those too now! 8) :wink:

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Postby iheartokyo » April 7th, 2007 8:08 am

Do you have to pay each time you download the information or is it a free service? I am going to Japan next week for a holiday and am keen to try it if it is free :)

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Postby markystar » August 21st, 2007 9:07 am

in japan you pay per download packet, so you don't get charged by the company to view the page, but your service provider charges you something (unless you have an unlimited internet access plan).

many restaurants have these QR codes on the tables, you can download a coupon and use it when you pay! cool, huh?

or at mcdonald's you can check the number of calories of food items by scanning the package's QR code.

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Postby foxyshez » February 11th, 2008 3:20 am

they have them in magazines too, you scan it on ur mobile and it downloads info or a link to webpage etc...i even have one on my visa sticker in my passport haha

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Postby josiah » February 29th, 2008 1:12 pm

we now
have them
reported to be
free of charge


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