If you're using Windows:
Go to
> Start
> Control Panel
> Language
> Add other languages
go under the tab called > languages
On the top, it says 'Text services and input languages'
click the 'Details...' button
A new window pops up
go under the tab 'Settings'
It says 'Installed services' in the middle
Click the 'Add..' button
Another new window pops up
Choose 'Japanese' under the pull down list
The keyboard input box should be automatically ticked.
Click all the 'Apply' and 'Okay' buttons.
Now you should be able to type Japanese~
When you want to type in Japanese, click the 'EN' button on the bottom right of your windows taskbar and change it to Japanese. Of 'cos there's a keyboard shortcut that you can use, 'Alt' + 'Shift'.
Or you can always MSN / email me at
and I will show you how to do it again.