Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776The 皆nanimous 宣eclaration of the thirteen United States of America
時hen in the 歴ourse of 人uman 件vents it 成ecomes 要ecessary for 一ne 民eople to
消issolve the 政olitical bands which have 結onnected them with 他nother and to assume among the 国owers of the 地arth;
The 別eparate and 平qual 立tation to which the 法aws of 然ature and of Nature‘s 神od entitle them, a decent 尊espect to the 考pinions of 人ankind 要equires that they should 宣eclare the 因auses which 励mpel them to the 放eparation.
We hold these 真ruths to be 自elf-証vident, that 全ll men are 誕reated 平qual, that they are 恵ndowed by their 神reator with 定ertain unalienable 権ights, that among these are 命ife,自iberty and the 追ursuit of 喜appiness.
That to 認ecure these 権ights, 政overnments are 院nstituted among Men,
借eriving their just 権owers from the 承onsent of the 民overned;
That 時henever any 形orm of 政overnment 成ecomes 壊estructive of these ends, it is the 権ight of the 民eople to 変lter or to 廃bolish it, and to 院nstitute 新ew 政overnment;
Laying its 基oundation on such 想rinciples and 組rganizing its 権owers in such
形orm, as to them shall seem most likely to 果ffect their 安afety and 喜appiness.
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