By way of setup, let me say that I participate in dog shows, in the U.S. My breed of choice is the Great Dane. At the national Great Dane dog show, there are frequently a number of Japanese breeders. One of my primary reasons for Japanese is to be able to speak to these folks in their native language. One of my big concerns is that these people are older and more experienced and would be considered in a higher social stratus than myself. Because of this, it is important to me that I understand not only polite Japanese, but polite behavior. What I'd like to do within this topic is to run through a scenario describing what I say and do, and ensure that it all makes sense... So, as Peter likes to say, "Without further ado.... here we go:"
The ring is setup with a number of chairs around the side for people viewing to watch. The start of the scenario is when I walk up to where a Japanese couple is sitting and say, "すみません、このせき空けるですか。"
Is that correct? What kind of response could I expect?