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Problems with transcript after bachelor 3 lesson

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Problems with transcript after bachelor 3 lesson

Postby Bob1 » May 2nd, 2006 12:06 am

I saw this reported in at least two of the comments, and you were having trouble reproducing this problem. I have now reproduced it. In the Learning Center, I just don't see anything in the transcripts AFTER the bachelor 3 lesson. I didn't have that problem on my G5 tower (1 Gbyte RAM) running Safari on OS X 10.4.6, but when that computer crashed HARD, I had to start using my iBook (768 Mbyte RAM) running Safari on OS X 10.4.5 (I have a specific reason for not upgrading to 10.4.6). So now I see the problem others have reported (and yes, I do have the latest version of Flash installed). If you wish, I can send you screen shots of the offending lesson transcripts.

Eran Team Member
Posts: 173
Joined: April 21st, 2006 12:19 pm

Postby Eran » May 2nd, 2006 4:14 am

Bob, sorry to hear about your "HARD" crash... Those are never fun :cry: The 3 podcasts after "Beginner Lesson #63 - Third Time's a Charm? (Bachelor #3)" are a Japanese Culture Class, News, and Survival Phrases. All 3 types of podcasts do not have a transcript, hence the reason they are not showing up (only the headers show up).

I will see what can be done about "graying" out the transcript link from the side menu in the learning center when a transcript is not available to eliminate confusion.

As always, that you so much for the post.

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