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Flash card spaced repetition by 'mode'

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Flash card spaced repetition by 'mode'

Postby chrisfreilich_517823 » October 15th, 2017 9:27 pm

After using the flash cards for the past couple months, I've come to realize that the spaced repetition works on a per-word basis. This means that one can, for example, be able to understand a spoken word when hearing it, but have no ability to read or recall the word. In this situation, you end up waiting too long to be shown the card again.

I think each 'mode' of a given flash card needs to be spaced on its own, because it is in effect it's own flash card. So for a given word, there should be separately spaced and repeated cards, for:

* Reading (kanji, kana, or romaji given. User responds with meaning and pronunciation)
* Listening (audio spoken. User responds with meaning and written form)
* Recall (English given. User responds with pronunciation and written form)

In the current method, where they're all jumbled up, there is no way effectively ensure that all three skills will be appropriately tested.

Thank you.


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Re: Flash card spaced repetition by 'mode'

Postby metalosaurio_515346 » October 29th, 2017 11:19 am

Yeah. The flashcard system could be so much better. It's easy to use and has great integration with the lessons, but whenever I use some other SRS I've notice that the words come up much earlier than in the Jpod101 flashcard system.

I don't want to get into the false belief that I'm actually mastering those 900 words that I'm currently working just because the bias of the Jpod101 flashcard system :roll:

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Re: Flash card spaced repetition by 'mode'

Postby lena_511666 » December 16th, 2017 7:08 am

Hello Chris, Metalosaurio,

Thank you for your feedback.
We’ll consider your feedback for our future development.
Let us know if you have any question.

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