I wrote kind of a mini-lesson, but could someone check to see if it's correct? It's just meant to barely scratch the surface.
Using と for Direct Quotations
In English, we use a comma (,) and quotation marks ( “Words here” ) to signify what someone is saying.
In Japanese, we use quotation marks (「Words here」) followed by と to signify what someone is saying.
For direct quotes, this is often paired with "言います" (いいます).
- 田中さんは「ねこが好き」と言いました。
- Mr. Tanaka said, "I like cats."
When saying a quote, use plain form inside the quotations
- Speaker は 「Plain form sentence」 と言いました。
When writing a quote, it's okay to use the full quote.
We also used this to ask how to say things in Japanese.
---end lesson---
I have one question, though: One source used the example
"Speaker が 「Plain form sentence」 と言って。"
instead of
"Speaker は 「Plain form sentence」 と言いました。
Are these both correct?