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Total Time Studied Feature

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Total Time Studied Feature

Postby aguevara79 » May 10th, 2016 2:41 pm

Hello all!

I would just like to say how much I love JapanesePod101! A great product and it's becoming addicting.

Just one question regarding the "Total Time Studied" feature. I have noticed that the time does not include the time you spend on the mobile app version. Is that something in the works perhaps?

Thank you again and keep up the great work.

Alex :oiwai:

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Re: Total Time Studied Feature

Postby jaehwi » May 23rd, 2016 1:03 am

Hello Alex,

Thank you for the question! Unfortunately, the system doesn't track study time on mobile yet. If we have any updates, we'll let you know on the dash-board or on Sunday news.

Thank you for your understanding in advance.


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