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How to stop the video repeating

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How to stop the video repeating

Postby ceesdoets_510591 » March 26th, 2016 9:18 am

When a video is finish, it starts again at the beginning and plays again and again. How to stop this? I am using a PC with Win10 and Chrome 49.
Thanks for your advise.

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Re: How to stop the video repeating

Postby jaehwi » March 29th, 2016 4:48 am

Thank you for letting us know the issue, Cees.

I've checked the issue, but the video stopped at the end when we tested. Could you kindly check if there's a plug-in installed on your browser, or you can reproduce the same issue on the other browser?

Please let us know at so that we can take a look at the issue closely.

Thank you,


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