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Personalised Reviews

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Personalised Reviews

Postby Yamanchu » January 11th, 2016 10:25 pm

Hi, the review lessons are always really good and make you think more about what you're learning, so you end up remembering more. The only down side, though, is that you always know a few of the words, then you soon learn/remember some more, at which point you really only need to be listening to 2 or 3 words from a list of about 10 words. If you have 10, 20 or more of these lessons, a lot of time ends up wasted listening to words that you already know.

Would it be possible to somehow create a customised review list where you could choose which words you need on your lesson so that only these words would be put onto a customised review lesson?

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Joined: July 6th, 2011 4:37 am

Re: Personalised Reviews

Postby jaehwi » January 18th, 2016 8:33 am

Hi Yamanchu,

Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, we create review tracks manually for each lesson, so it's not possible to create personalized review track as of now. We'll consider your suggestion, however, for the future development.

Thank you again,

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