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Scary Japanese restaurants?

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Scary Japanese restaurants?

Postby beatlesfan931_509169 » December 30th, 2015 2:56 am


My girlfriend sent me a link to the following page a few days ago; as I'm planning a trip to visit family in Japan in the Spring, I was wondering if anybody was familiar with any of the places in this article?

I absolutely love horror and spooky stuff in general, so assuming I have time and I can get one or more of my extended family members to go with me, I would really be interested to check some of these places out. Does anybody have any personal experience with any of these restaurants? Know any other similarly themed restaurants in Japan that this article might have missed? I'm not familiar with any similar concepts existing where I'm from (Southern California), so this type of thing is extremely intriguing to me.

Please let me know your thoughts on this; and while I'm at it, it's great to be here, and I'm extremely excited/nervous for my first trip to Japan (actually my first trip out of the country other than day trips to Mexico 3 or 4 times while in high school), but I'll be visiting this site as much as possible to prepare myself. Thanks in advance for the advice!

EDIT: Oh yes, and if it helps: I'll be spending most of my time in/around Tokyo next Spring, but can probably head out to some of the surrounding areas if need be. I'm not exactly sure yet on the specifics yet as far as that goes, sorry...

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Re: Scary Japanese restaurants?

Postby community.japanese » January 9th, 2016 7:38 am

Although I have not been there, Japan has some interesting restaurants.
I think many people enjoy them.
Please have a good trip.
Yuki  由紀

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Re: Scary Japanese restaurants?

Postby Varsh » January 9th, 2016 12:18 pm

I don't know about scary restaurants (although I did pass a few) but there was one that was a total assault on the eyes and ears. I honestly don't know what I saw or what happened but the performance was amazing and the food was... horrifying - not that you'll be thinking about what you're eating anyway with what's happening in front of you.

If you ever go to Shinjuku then go by the Robot Restaurant just for the once in a lifetime experience.

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Re: Scary Japanese restaurants?

Postby community.japanese » January 17th, 2016 8:09 am

Varsh san,
Thank you for your post. :)
Yuki 由紀

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