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My iTunes basic feed doesn't work

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My iTunes basic feed doesn't work

Postby Linck5 » January 5th, 2016 7:36 pm

Here is what happened:

I installed the latest itunes
Went here:
Clicked the Basic Feed button
Allowed the browser to open iTunes and checked the "do not ask again" option
It opened iTunes, and asked for my username and password
I typed it and clicked ok (not sure if I checked remember password though)
Then nothing happened

Now everytime I click the Basic Feed button, It just opens iTunes but nothing happens.

I tried clicking the Sample Feed button, then it seemed to work. A little down arrow appeared on the top right corner of iTunes showing my download. But with the Basic Feed nothing happens.

I also tried reinstalling iTunes, but it didn't help. It didn't ask for my username and password again after the reinstall.


New in Town
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Joined: January 5th, 2016 7:25 pm

Re: My iTunes basic feed doesn't work

Postby Linck5 » January 5th, 2016 8:55 pm

After about an hour all the podcasts appeared in my podcast playlist. I don't know what happened.

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Re: My iTunes basic feed doesn't work

Postby jaehwi » January 7th, 2016 8:11 am

Hi Linck5,

Thank you for letting us know about the issue. I'm glad to hear that now the issue is fixed. If you find any other issues with the itunes feeds, please let us know at

Thank you,

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