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Word of the Day

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Word of the Day

Postby martinakiyama9971 » October 1st, 2015 4:59 pm

The "Word of the Day" emails used to appear in my inbox looking like this:

JapanesePod101 Word of the Day - 09/27/2015

Now they look like this:

Do you know what "Wain" means?

Could you please revert to the old format. PLEASE.

Because if you spell out the word in romaji in the title of the email, it stops the user from trying to figure out what the word is by reading the kana or kanji!

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Re: Word of the Day

Postby yukiman » November 13th, 2015 3:53 am


Sorry for the change. But it was experiment to see if people like it. We are going to get the old version back.


Yuki Mori

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