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Postby Stewie » June 20th, 2006 7:22 am

I'm wondering if anyone has seen this movie yet. It's currently ranked #1 in the Japanese Box offices, taking over Da Vinci Code. It came out on the 17th I think. Can someone give a review on it?

If you want to see the trailer I found one eith English subtitles. ... ath%20note

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I'm seen it!

Postby Ulver_684 » September 2nd, 2006 11:45 pm

Its great movie I invite you to my forum J-horror and tell me what Japan movies you watch or what is your favorite anime manga etc ok! :wink:

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Postby Altima » September 14th, 2006 11:41 pm

I haven't seen the film, but I've read about 5 volumes of the original manga upon which it was based, and I can recommend those, certainly. They're very well drawn (With a charming naturalism that one doesn't see too often in manga), and very well paced. For such a convoluted and quirky premise, they really do a great job of keeping the reader quite hooked.

Plus, the idea of having an 8-foot tall, black-feather-clad, eternally grimacing death god as a college roommate is innately amusing.

It's not gonna redefine any genres, it's no Nausicaä, but it's very good fun. If the film's anything like it, it'll be entertaining, certainly.

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Postby CrazySwayzee » September 19th, 2006 11:25 pm

Takeshi Obata is a really good artist(he's the manga artist for deathnote)

Deathnote's really cool and really freaky too.

it really shows how a good person can become a blood-thirsty killer.

it's a better horror than many of the ones in America that are all gore and no drama.

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Postby dlai » September 21st, 2006 5:18 am

I took the plung and read the manga after all the good reviews I'm seeing. I really like the story, it's kinda amazing how the story teller can think on that Nth level, jumping ini and out of each other's shoes to out smart each other.

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