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Could somone please check these sentences?

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Could somone please check these sentences?

Postby Trinitywarrior1 » April 30th, 2015 1:59 am

Why hello there. こんにちは。

最近文法はたかさん勉強しています。I recently have been learning a lot of grammar and I need someone to check these sentences to make sure I am using the grammar correctly.Thanks in advance. よろしくお願いします。

本屋に行こう。 Lets go the book store.
寿司を食べたい。 I want to eat sushi. Just in general I would want to eat sushi.
日本の音楽が聞きたい。 I want to listen to Japanese music. As in as far as what I want to listen to.
よこ仕事には議長がたかさんいます。 There often are many chairmen at work.
急に靴を脱いだ。 I hurriedly toke off my shoes.
早く教えて。 Quickly tell me.
図書館に行ったことがある。 I went to the library.
日本料理を焼くことがある。 I sometimes make Japanese food.
日本語で書くことはちょっと難しい。Writing in Japanese is a little hard.
猫は寝なかったで僕も寝なかったですよ。Because the cat did not sleep I also did not sleep.
帽子は高かったのに悪い。 The hat is expensive despite being bad.
母の手紙を読みに来たかった。 I wanted to return to reading my Mom's letter.
今笑っていませんが歌っています。 I am not laughing now but I am singing.
日本がとても大好きですよ。I love Japan!

Sorry if there is a lot of grammar. I have been putting off going on here and asking so there is sort of a back log of grammar.

Later. じゃ、また。

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Re: Could somone please check these sentences?

Postby wolfinator4800 » May 2nd, 2015 1:21 pm

図書館に行ったことがある。 I went to the library.
日本料理を焼くことがある。 I sometimes make Japanese food.

I was taught that ことがあります is used to say you've done that or had that experience. If I wanted to say I went to the library I'd say 図書館に行った。
However if I wanted to say I've been to a library before I'd say 図書館に行ったことがある。

Same with the other sentence, I'd just take off the ことがある。 Also 料理する might be better to say you cook food rather than 焼く which I've been taught is specifically bake/grill. If I'm wrong someone please correct me on this.

母の手紙を読みに来たかった。 I wanted to return to reading my Mom's letter.
Should be 母の手紙を読んで来たかった。 Not sure on this one though, might be a better way of saying it. 来た feels wrong to me.

よこ仕事には議長がたかさんいます。 There often are many chairmen at work.
This is fine but I think you meant たくさん not たかさん, and よく not よこ

猫は寝なかったで僕も寝なかったですよ。Because the cat did not sleep I also did not sleep.
Not really sure what the で is for. I would use から. Also would get rid of the ですよ as you're using short form and the よ seems wierd for the context.

Everything else seems fine to me, not sure on the hat one though since it seems like a grammar point I haven't done.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Could somone please check these sentences?

Postby Trinitywarrior1 » May 2nd, 2015 2:48 pm


Thanks for checking the sentences. The library one I mistranslated into English. I meant to say I have been to the library. The chairman one ya I misspelled よく and たくさん . The で one I read in a text book, granted I found the book at the thrift store, that で acts like から. I am not completely sure on its use though. Thanks a ton though. I am happy that most of the grammar I was using correctly. See you around.

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Re: Could somone please check these sentences?

Postby mmmason8967 » May 2nd, 2015 2:52 pm

Following on, here are a couple more comments. Please bear in mind that I am also a beginner, so there's no guarantee that what I say is correct!

Trinitywarrior1 wrote:寿司を食べたい。 I want to eat sushi. Just in general I would want to eat sushi.

I think it should be 寿司食べたい. I'm not sure what you mean by "just in general I would want to eat sushi"; I read the sentence as something like "I'd like some sushi", so a statement about what you're currently feeling, pretty much right now. I'm not too sure how you'd make a more general statement. You can make a more specific one by saying something like 食べたいのは、寿司です, which is more like "What I'd like is some sushi" or "It is sushi that I'd like to eat".

急に靴を脱いだ。 I hurriedly toke off my shoes.

I read that as "I suddenly took off my shoes". To say "I hurriedly took off my shoes" I'd go for 急いで (いそいで) rather than 急に, so the result would be 靴を急いで脱いだ.


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Re: Could somone please check these sentences?

Postby Trinitywarrior1 » May 2nd, 2015 9:05 pm

In a text book I found at the thrift store it said that when you use を it is more specific in that it means in regards to eating I want sushi. I am not sure if this is completely correct that's why I posted it on here though. I also translated the shoe one wrong. I was more interested in if I got the use of turning adjectives into adverbs correct. Thanks for the help though. Later.

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Re: Could somone please check these sentences?

Postby community.japanese » May 4th, 2015 1:03 am

wolfinator4800 さん、マイケルさん、
Thank you for helping  Trinitywarrior1 さん.

Trinitywarrior1 さん,
You made many sentences. I am impressed.
Please note some corrections below.

The particle must be を because the basic structure is ‘something を 勉強します.’
たくさん should be a typo.

As マイケルさん said some textbooks said the particle must be が however, native Japanese people often use を and other textbooks mention that が can be replaced with を.

When you put よく before 仕事, the nuance is that the よく modifies 仕事 so please change the word order.

If you put の, you can show the meaning of ‘because.’
You can use the final particle よ if you want to put the nuance of assertion.
Nevertheless, if we have only one sentence, we can’t see the context so I think wolfinator4800 さん said that’s wired.

You need explain which part is 悪い.
For example, 形が悪い、見た目が悪い and so on.

‘come’ in English and ‘来る’ in Japanese are different.
Basically 来る is used for people who are coming to your place.

今笑っていないでで歌っています sounds more natural.

日本が大好きですよ and 日本がとても好きですよ have the same meaning.
とても and 大好き are hardly put in one sentence.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Could somone please check these sentences?

Postby Trinitywarrior1 » May 4th, 2015 3:48 pm

Thank you so much. どうもありごとうございます、由紀先生。 I am actually surprised I go most of them correct. I need to pay more attention to my typing though; I made several typos that I could have avoided. Thanks a ton a everyone for helping me. :D

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