I am not sure if my questions are about the te form or not (that's how beginnerish i am lol), but here goes:
Below are a few sentences that throw me off:
(1)中古車でもいいです。 I am currently learning "てもいいです”. Does this sentence imply that to say something (noun) is acceptable, i can just put whatever the noun is before ”でもいいです”, meaning that thing is OK/acceptable?? The て being conjugated to で??
(2)新車じゃなくてはいけません。 I know なくてはいけません means "must be...", but why じゃ?Does this structure "noun+じゃなくてはいけません” applies to all nouns??
(3)ルームメートがいてもいいですか。 What does がい function in this sentence?
どうも! Thanks in advance for your time and efforts.
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