Hey guys,
This is my first post. I started listening a month or two ago and have started from your first podcast, listening to 6 or 7 every day I commute. I'm up to May finally. =)
My feature request is for the Kana recognition section to have abit of adaptive ability. Meaning, if you miss a kana, make it more likely to show up again. I took a decent amount of Japanese in college, so I knew all the Kana at one point, but some stuck more than others. And rather than see all the kana until I find one I'm not good at remembering it would be great if when you got a kana right it took it out of the cycle for example.
I know you can just uncheck the ones you know below to drill the ones you don't, but for general practice I think it'd be much easier just to check them all and then let the system drill you on the ones that you can't remember very well.
Just a suggestion. Thanks guys and great job otherwise, I love the podcasts!
Brian Newton