I got one questions about "to sleep" in Japanese,
found 2 verbs named: 眠る (nemuru) and 練る (neru).
What is the different between this 2 ?
in this site:
http://www.yesjapan.com/YJ6/question/42 ... and-nemuru
i found what is incorrect & correct to say it:
3) 私はいつも10時に寝ます。
Watashi wa itusmo juu ji ni nemasu. - CORRECT
I always go to sleep at 10.
4) 私はいつも10時に眠ります。
Watashi wa itsumo juu ji ni nemurimasu. - incorrect
When you talk about the time to go to sleep, "NERU" should be used (see #3).
"NEMURU" is normally used when someone is asleep.
meanwhile in iknow.jp site there is one row under "nemuru":
きのう は 8 じかん ねむりました。
I slept for eight hours yesterday.
So yesjapan says that when you are talking about time you should use neru,
but in iknow.jp it is used nemuru...
I saw that "watashi wa" is dropped in iknow.jp because it says "i slept..."
it can even mean "かのじょ like "She slept..." then it will be correct?
(it was a girl in the pictures)
p.s! tried to found about neru vs nemuru in this site, but haven't found any,
if there are any forum posted about this, plz show me