Hey all! The days are flying by quick it seems and I wanted to make sure I was getting the most out of each day with studying. Short term goal is I am planning on going to Japan in 5 months, so my goal is to learn enough to survive when I go, while hopefully improving as much as I can while I'm there. (Long term goal is to one day become a translator or interpreter.)
I was wondering if you all had any suggestions to get the most out of my time? So far my study plan is this:
Start off the day with a lesson. Study all the new words/grammar in that lesson til I feel I have them memorized and pronunciation correct. Use what I learned with family and friends I talk to throughout the day (so grateful they put up with me responding in Japanese to their questions, or making random statements in Japanese. I repeat right after what I said in English. xD).
Everyday I write all the kana I know at least once along with learning at least a few new kanji. While also doing a run through with my flashcard program on my phone for Kanji, and the flashcard program on this site with the words I learned so far. After that, if I have extra time and I feel like I have everything else down, I'll try to squeeze more lessons in.
Then I do it all again the next day. (Not sure what this blob emote is but I like it, lol.)
I started off with Absolute Beginner Season 1 but switched over to the "Newbie S2 --> Newbie S3 --> Beginner S4 --> Beginner S5 --> Beginner S6 --> Lower Intermediate S6" study plan when I found out about it.
Any tips and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Biggest, most ambitious goal and project I have set for myself in my life but it is very exciting to finally have a dream to chase after (Interpreter/Translator). Everyone that has taken part in the audio and video lessons have inspired me to find this path and I am greatly appreciative of all of you here at JapanesePod101 . Thank you. どうもありがとうございます。