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Changed emailaddress

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Changed emailaddress

Postby Huub » June 2nd, 2014 1:37 pm


I recently subscribed as a premium member and so far the experience is absolute amazing. There is however one little problem i face.

When i subscribed for the premium membership i also changed my emailaddress for the newsletters. Unfortunatly i now receive them on both emailaddresses, the old and the new one. So, in fact it hasnt changed the emailaddress, but it has just added another it seems.

I was reluctant to unsubscribe from the old emailaddress because i was worried it might also delete me then with my new emailaddress :)

Can you advice me what to do, because i dont need to receive the newsletters twice and you dont need to send them twice :)

Thank you in advance for your help and wishing you a wonderful day.

Huub van der Logt
The Netherlands

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Re: Changed emailaddress

Postby lauralanda » June 12th, 2014 5:36 am

Hi Huub,

Thank you for posting!
We are glad to hear that you are taking advantage of the Premium Membership! :D
About your question, you can unsubscribe from the email where you don't want to receive the newsletters anymore.
The other email address will continue receiving them for sure.
If you have any question or suggestion, please let us know.

Kind regards,

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