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Working Holiday ~ Music Industry?

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Working Holiday ~ Music Industry?

Postby ajseguin3169 » April 11th, 2014 2:41 am


I'm a french Canadian guy in my early 20s. I'm a sound tech, I work at concerts, festivals ect... To sum it up, I'd love to work on concerts and shows in Japan.

So, I'm aiming to head there in about 1 year with the Working Holiday Visa and do typical travelling, exploring and learning.

While i'm there with the visa i'll try my best to get some work in my field.

Does anyone know someone who works in the industry? I've been searching for a long time, to get info about employment in that field, but I might be the first sound tech who wants to go work there... or all of those who did never talked about it anywhere...

So any piece of info you might have will be really appreciated!


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