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What is the actual lesson order? "nihongo dojo"

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What is the actual lesson order? "nihongo dojo"

Postby teflteacherdave7426 » March 20th, 2014 4:58 am

I've come back to this site after a time away and I'm enjoying it.

What is the recommended lesson order? I don't know if it's still called "nihongo dojo" or not, but if someone could please list the order of lessons I would be very grateful.

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Re: What is the actual lesson order? "nihongo dojo"

Postby mmmason8967 » March 20th, 2014 7:36 am

This is the Nihongo Doujou sequence:-

Newbie S2 --> Newbie S3 --> Beginner S4 --> Beginner S5 --> Beginner S6 --> Lower Intermediate S6

Alternatively, there is another earlier sequence:-

Beginner S1 --> Beginner S2 --> Beginner S3 --> Lower Intermediate S1 --> S2 --> S3 --> S4 --> S5


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Re: What is the actual lesson order? "nihongo dojo"

Postby community.japanese » March 20th, 2014 11:48 am

teflteacherdave7426 san,

Weocome back!
マイケルさん knows everything!


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Re: What is the actual lesson order? "nihongo dojo"

Postby 5thsman » March 24th, 2014 9:16 pm

Thank you so much for this! I was just wondering the same thing.

Perhaps this could be made a bit clearer on the site? I've not seen any indication that the lessons jump around like this :)


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Re: What is the actual lesson order? "nihongo dojo"

Postby ofeliadgrd » March 25th, 2014 3:48 am

5thsman-san, Thanks for your feedback!
The introduction actually mention about Nihongo Dojo series on each lessons’ curriculum page but yes, it’s not clearly stated.
I’ve bring this back to the team.
Thanks again!


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