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new ILL iPhone app

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new ILL iPhone app

Postby mwbeale6642 » February 4th, 2014 2:59 pm


The new Innovative Language Learning iPhone app looks really, really great. It looks like it's going to revolutionise how I use JapanesePod101.

I was wondering whether there are is any help with the app (either in the app, or online). I'd quite like to know how I manage downloads (whether I can delete them, what exactly is downloaded: all the content, or just the main audio track etc.). There are other things I'm sure I'm going to want to know about the app too in the future.


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Re: new ILL iPhone app

Postby paloma_ill » February 14th, 2014 12:11 am

Hi マーティン-san,

Thanks for the comment and the good feedback.
We still don' have any help for the new App, but we're working on it! Meanwhile, you can surely contact us with any questions related to it at :wink:


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Re: new ILL iPhone app

Postby Kiliman » February 20th, 2014 3:38 pm

It appears that when you tap Download on a lesson, it downloads the complete lesson: all audio files, transcripts, vocabulary, PDFs, etc. That lesson will show up in My Library.

You can test this by turning on Airplane mode to disable any network connections.

When you open the app, it'll prompt you to login. It will complain about no network connections, but will take you to the home screen. From there, go to My Library and you can listen and view the lesson without worrying about being online.

You can also delete the lesson files by simply tapping Delete Files.

NOTE: You won't be able to browse for other lessons without a network connection. You also can't mark a lesson completed while offline. It would be nice if it would allow that and sync it once connected. The whole point of downloading lessons is to allow for doing the lesson offline, so it would be nice to be able to mark it complete while offline as well.

Anyway, I built the original mobile web app version because I wanted an easier way to listen to the lessons while in my car. It's awesome to see a native iOS version with the ability to download for offline use.

The app itself is pretty easy to use, so just dive right in. I'm sure the app team will appreciate any feedback you may have.

Good luck!


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