Wow, that's a great page! Thank you for sharing the info here
I liked the stylish 書 as your profile pic
For us Japanese, romaji is really difficult to read. It takes probably 3-5 times longer time
if we read a sentence in romaji comparing to the sentence in normal Japanese (hiragana, katakana and kanji).
So, "kanji without romaji" is a great naming and makes sense.
People usually need to learn hiragana and katakana before moving on to kanji, so I don't see why you
need romaji. Probably just to make sure the reading with proper sound?
Like you wrote, only the first grade should be enough anyway.
Typical problem of romaji is that, depending on mother tongue, romaji spelling could lead to the
different (wrong) pronunciation.
(i.e. If the learner is Italian, romaji "che" seems like "ke" to them. If the learner is Spanish, "ja" might
be confusing with "ya". etc. etc.)
So, it'd be ideal if learners can stop using romaji as soon as possible
Natsuko (奈津子),