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Started to Translate My Website :D

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Started to Translate My Website :D

Postby metalwarrior8679 » January 28th, 2014 10:56 pm

Hello everyone!

I have started to translate my website. I am a hobby musician. As it is non-commercial, I thought I might give it a try, though being a Newbie; just reached "Beginner"-Level, yeah / やった。 :D

My thought was: It is OK if visitors see that a beginner wrote the website. As it is for a hobby, Japanese visitors may appreciate the effort - at least I hope they rather think this way than being angry about mistakes in translation. What do you think?

>> <<

I would be very glad if you like to have a look. Also, if you have suggestions or spot mistakes, please feel free to let me know. I would really appreciate any feedback; also about the music. It is experimental, so it may not be everyones "cup of tea". Anyway, guestbook entries are also welcome; in Japanese as well, of course :D

Thanks everyone; みなさん、ありがとうございます。 :D
ほやほや【ニュー】: ようこそ「Tales Beyond Reason」へ。ウェブサイトの実験音楽の新品プロジェクトです。見てください。そして、ゲストブックのエントリかメールを送りますください。私は幸せでしょう。ありがとうございます。 :D

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Re: Started to Translate My Website :D

Postby community.japanese » January 29th, 2014 6:03 am

こんにちは :D
Thank you for the link and info!
It seems to be a good project :wink:
I gave a look at the front page and I must say "well done!" :oiwai:
Translation doesn't seem Newbie level at all, nor Beginner.

I just want to focus on grammar and natural expressions to be replaced.





* I guessed EP would stand for episode, but am I right? Please modify 歌があります part (with が)
as this is the correct way.


Again, 送りますください and 私は幸せでしょう parts needs to be modified.

Other than two chunks I mentioned as "need to be modified", it's my suggestion to sound more natural,
not grammatical mistakes. :wink:
So, well done!

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: Started to Translate My Website :D

Postby metalwarrior8679 » January 29th, 2014 6:12 pm

Natsuko-san, good-morning (is that OK at 3 AM ? ;O)

I gave a look at the front page and I must say "well done!" :oiwai:
Translation doesn't seem Newbie level at all, nor Beginner.

やった。ありがとう。 :D
Yippieh! Thank you :D

I just want to focus on grammar and natural expressions to be replaced.

Oh yes, indeed. I see even some word order mistakes. My my my... ^^

It is really great you took the time! I will go through it the next days - and try to learn from these mistakes. For today, my head is still busy with the post in the introduction area. That already was quite some useful and interesting "読書" :D

もう一度、私は菜津子さんの支援に感謝しています。ありがとうございました。 :D
Again, thank you very much for your support, Natsuko-san. Thank you very much :D
ほやほや【ニュー】: ようこそ「Tales Beyond Reason」へ。ウェブサイトの実験音楽の新品プロジェクトです。見てください。そして、ゲストブックのエントリかメールを送りますください。私は幸せでしょう。ありがとうございます。 :D

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Re: Started to Translate My Website :D

Postby community.japanese » January 30th, 2014 4:30 am

どういたしまして :D

Greetings at 3 a.m. ....こんばんは, maybe? :lol:
It's dark outside, so I'd probably use こんばんは.
If I go out (meeting someone) to start a day, like very early bird, the proper greeting would be
おはようございます (good morning).

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: Started to Translate My Website :D

Postby metalwarrior8679 » February 1st, 2014 8:30 pm

こんばんは。 :D

* I guessed EP would stand for episode, but am I right?

ちがいます。 It is different. (^_^)

EP is short for "extended play", used for mini albums comprising 4-9 songs. It is not quite a common acronym, such as LP. But it is a beloved one among おたく :mrgreen: Especially in music scenes like punk, hard rock, or experimental music.

For better understanding, I have changed "EP" to "EP盤". I saw that in several shops, not only for vinyl EPs but also for digital downloads. So, I changed the sentence to - hope that is OK:

I have read the other corrections. Thanks again. Especially the expression "メールを送ってもらえるとうれしいです" was challenging for me. But I think I got a clue. Literally it would mean: "Mail sent to receive glad (I) am" = "(I) would be glad to receive a written e-Mail," is that right?

奈津子さん、もう一度、ありがとうございました。  :D
ほやほや【ニュー】: ようこそ「Tales Beyond Reason」へ。ウェブサイトの実験音楽の新品プロジェクトです。見てください。そして、ゲストブックのエントリかメールを送りますください。私は幸せでしょう。ありがとうございます。 :D

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Re: Started to Translate My Website :D

Postby community.japanese » February 2nd, 2014 8:53 am

oh I see! :oops:
I'm actually rubbish in IT or any technology things, so I never imagined what EP actually stands for... :mrgreen:

~もらえるとうれしいです is, yes, "I'd be happy if ....." or similar pattern.
It's a very useful expression/pattern, so maybe you can start using it in many other occasions :wink:

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: Started to Translate My Website :D

Postby metalwarrior8679 » February 2nd, 2014 5:41 pm

こんい...ええと...こんばんは。 :D

~もらえるとうれしいです is, yes, "I'd be happy if ....." or similar pattern.
It's a very useful expression/pattern, so maybe you can start using it in many other occasions :wink:

そして、私は奈津子さんの助けをもう一度得てもらえると嬉しいです。 :mrgreen:


Natsuko-san, :D

Ah, I see.
So, I would be happy to get your help once again, Natsuko-san :mrgreen:

Thank you vermy much.
ほやほや【ニュー】: ようこそ「Tales Beyond Reason」へ。ウェブサイトの実験音楽の新品プロジェクトです。見てください。そして、ゲストブックのエントリかメールを送りますください。私は幸せでしょう。ありがとうございます。 :D

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Re: Started to Translate My Website :D

Postby community.japanese » February 6th, 2014 5:00 am

I think you wanted to say “私はもう一度奈津子さんに助けてもらえるとうれしいです”.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to let us know again.
Yuki  由紀

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Re: Started to Translate My Website :D

Postby metalwarrior8679 » February 6th, 2014 4:44 pm

puh, that's a tricky sentence. But I think I get the idea; "ni" in this case means "by", right?
Incredible... in the end, the correct sentence is much shorter. That's the beauty of Japanese language, really :D

Thank you very much, Yuki-san,
ほやほや【ニュー】: ようこそ「Tales Beyond Reason」へ。ウェブサイトの実験音楽の新品プロジェクトです。見てください。そして、ゲストブックのエントリかメールを送りますください。私は幸せでしょう。ありがとうございます。 :D

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