トラさん、くろくまさん、小狼さん、マイケルさん、charliegchen8215 さん、 Teabag さん
Thank you very much for helping each other!
Tracel wrote:1. たくさんお金をためよう。
2. シュワちゃんのサインを売ろう。(Not売れよう)
3.タバコを吸うのはやめよう。(Instead of 吸うを)
4. パーティーにこよう。
5. 日本語を勉強しよう。
I'd like to give some feedback on these sentences:
Tracel wrote:6. 箱を開けようとしたとき、妻が「いいえ」
7. パンツとスカートと決めようとしたとき、デートを中止にしまいました。
Just as I wanted to choose between pants and a skirt, the date was cancelled.[/color]

I was just about to choose between pants and a skirt, when the date was cancelled.
As to 6, the usage of と is perfect
What I noticed was the word いいえ here. I bet this "No" was to stop this person and say "don't open the box", right?
We use いいえ to deny something. In this situation, the best suit would be ダメ!or even 待って
As to 7, I understand this is difficult, but to decide between A or B, we'd probably say:
I thought this sentence was....interesting
9. 本当すみません、映画館にこようとしたとき、盲になりました。
This person suddenly went blind completely, out of the blue?
That's a rare situation, but I'd probably change it to:
Considering the formality level, the phrase 目が見えない etc. would be better over 盲目.
And, this one:
10. ハイディ・クルムを結婚しようとしたとき、起きるしまいました。
Please remember the particle for "getting married": と結婚する
11. 妻を殺そうとしたとき、
優免しました。(not sure if this is the correct phrase or not)
To forgive: 許す
This sentence might need a bit of twist:
This way, you can express the sudden change and new decision too.
13. 窓を拭こうとしたとき、妻で窓から突き落とされるしまいました。
As you were not too sure about the ending, please check it with this sentence:
Let's give a quick look at the other sentences!
There are some possibilities, but the key I want to emphasise is 電話を with the particle.
We also use the expression なおらない when you're talking about technical issues not being solved yet.
I don't really know how to use よう in this sentence sounding natural in Japanese, so intead, I
changed whole expression to give an example anyway
This is actually the very common mistake; like it's already pointed out and discussed, ように is something you
can't really control. So, this would be:
Whether or not becoming fluent is rather "result" that you cannot control, but if this is about preparation of
exam, you can also use ために
Do you see the difference above? Please feel free to ask if you have questions here
I just want to point out the expression 就職先 which is the common way to refer to new job or new work place.
一番好きな人のように、全文をしよう! (I'm not sure I chose the right form here for "would do")
For my most beloved people, I would do anything.
全文 means all the sentences, so "I'd do anything" would be なんでもしよう
Natsuko (奈津子),
Team JapanesePod101.com