I've been thinking about how some of my day-to-day conversations with people would
sound like if I had to speak Japanese all the time.
In this post I'll describe the situation and what I would say. Please help me correct bad
language usage.
(Please keep in mind this is spoken language)
Situation: I'm at a metro station about to go up stairs, I see someone struggling to get
up the stairs because they are carrying a heavy luggage. I want to offer them help:
Me: あの。。すいません!私がやりましょうか。(can I help you carry that?)
I start helping them, but they dont let go of the luggage, (as if they don't want me to handle
it alone)
Me: ああ。。心配しなでください。私大丈夫です。(don't worry i can handle it, I don't need help)
We arrive near the gates, but there is a special gate over there for people with luggage:
Me: あの。。。重い庭もっているから、あそこのゲートに使ってください。(There is a gate for people with luggage over there.)
They say thanks.
Me: はい。どういたしまして。:)(you're welcome.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.