jj-san (I believe it's Julian-san, right?) and 小狼さん、
小狼san is totally right! (Thank you for a kind comment
There's absolutely no need to be shy
JapanesePod101.com is a super friendly community and your fellow colleagues will be always
there helping you, like 小狼san already did!
No one is offensive or cynical either. Besides, JapanesePod has zero tolerance against abuse on our
website. We are here to learn Japanese; everyone shares the same one purpose/goal, right
As J-Pod community is huge, you might not have had enough time to look many features or pages yet.
You can practice what you've studied, try your own composition, ask questions, communicate with
other learners, share information etc. etc.
All the J-Pod listeners are learning Japanese having interest in Japan, Japanese culture and/or Japanese language,
so if, for example, you're about to travel to Japan and would like to have some advise or tips,
such questions are also welcome.
Hope you'll find this space as comfortable and useful place to visit!
Natsuko (奈津子),
Team JapanesePod101.com