Hello everyone. I have questions. Lots of questions. Unfortunately they are not all on conscious or immediate recall. Many are only triggered by the circumstances from which they arise. After a few minutes of thought they subside to wait in the darkness.
So for now I have only one question but I plan to return when more occur to me! Please help!
I have noticed about Japanese that word or sentence endings play a huge part in determining meaning. So my question is about the word or suffix -そう. By itself そう seems to indicate actual or apparent truth. However each Jpod101 audio lesson has an intro. There are various intros. Unless my ears are mistaken, in one of them, a male voice actor says the word "おいしそう" which according to google translate means "looks tasty." This is fine since I figured it must have something to do with being tasty, due to the most likely root word おいしい.
I know there are probably various comments relating to google translate, and I realize there are severe issues with it in some cases. But in general I've found it to be an invaluable aid for learning and expanding my vocabulary, in combination with the Jpod101 website.
In a Jpod101 lesson I recently listened to, I heard that "かわいそう" means "poor thing." So if おいしそう means tasty-appears-to-be, does かわいそう mean cute-appears-to-be? Does the word cute have some negative connotations in Japan, as sweet (あまい) occasionally does? Does that mean appearing cute is bad sometimes? Or is this a different -そう altogether, and I am way off base? Any advice would be much appreciated!