Hello everyone!
The last thread I had didn't necessarily answer my initial question, although it did help me understand the concept of On and Kun reading.
I've been learning Kanji, as mentioned before. I decided to what Zelg said, and just go with the flow. But my problem consisted as I studied more.
This Kanji has one On'Yomi pronunciation, and 4 Kun'Yomi pronunciation. I decided to 'go with the flow' but then I red some exaples with this Kanji.
小川 (o-gawa) According to the site I'm learning from, this means "small stream."
小鳥 (ko-tori) This means "small bird"
小さい (chi-sai) This means "small"
So my question is: How do you know when to use お、こ、or ち?
How about in other Kanjis?
I appreciate all of your responses.