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Learn Japanese - Complete Audio Course (How to install?)

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Learn Japanese - Complete Audio Course (How to install?)

Postby lorealbarrow6505 » August 22nd, 2013 6:23 am

Hello, I need help install this program please.

I downloaded it as multiples files: Japanese-complete-pc (which is a zipped file) and japanese-complete-pc.z01, .z02 right done to japanese-complete-pc.zo6.

I only get the option to extract that 1st file: Japanese-complete-pc. What should I do next now they're all downloaded. I'm a bit worried because the page I downloaded from says the links will expire on the 26th August, 2013. That's Monday.

Also, I cannot use Winzip as my antivirus won't let me install it at all. I have WinRar.

Thanks in advance for your help.

PS: I tried to just extract the 1st file, but the other .z01 etc files didn't disappear or anything, so I stopped. There's a thread on the forum about unblocking zip files. I did that, but after I'd tried extract "japanese-complete-pc" all by itself.

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Re: Learn Japanese - Complete Audio Course (How to install?)

Postby mmmason8967 » August 22nd, 2013 6:37 am

lorealbarrow6505 wrote:I only get the option to extract that 1st file: Japanese-complete-pc. What should I do next now they're all downloaded. I'm a bit worried because the page I downloaded from says the links will expire on the 26th August, 2013. That's Monday.

That means that you won't be able to download the files after Monday. The files that you have already downloaded are perfectly safe and will last forever!

If you're using Windows, the icon for the downloaded file should look like a folder with a zipper on it. You can right-click the icon and select "Extract all..." from the pop-up menu. You'll be asked for a folder to extract to: the default value suggested by Windows is usually fine, so click OK to extract the files. You should end up with two icons called japanese-complete-pc, one being the folder-with-zipper and the other being a normal folder. The normal folder contains the un-zipped files.

The downloaded file won't disappear when you unzip it; you can repeat the unzipping process any number of time.

Hope that helps


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