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Wanna Know The truth? ^_^ lol

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Expert on Something
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Wanna Know The truth? ^_^ lol

Postby Ulver_684 » August 27th, 2006 9:05 pm

:o Hi Mina-san I’m Sindy Rodriguez, I’m 22 years old, I’m from Mexico City and I live in New York City Brooklyn! I have a desktop, six e-mail accounts, Mobile and a home telephone!I’m rat子 = ne(zumi) = the Rat, the first of the twelve animals of the zodiac!

:wink: I found JP101 by my brother Luis one day I tell him if I could barrow his ipod and when I turn it on I was looking at all the podcast and I found JP101 first lesson downloaded in his ipod the first lesson was about introducing ourselfs and how we say I’m from america in Japanese that’s when I hear Sakura-san and Peter-san voice for the fist time I thought they had a radio show but then later on I found they make podcast and when they gave the website ( I decided to check it and guess what the lesson I found when I open was the world cup lesson and that’s when all begins and all you know from now (misunderstoods, bad comments, angryness, madness, fearness, shocks, have fun, cryness, sadness, happyness, likeness, dislikeness, etc all this feeling Jp 101 has made feel in almost three months and I thank them so much and to mina-san for making me understand that I was wrong and that what I say hurt me and them so now I would show my self has I’m truly are in life!

:) I came here to learn Japanese that is my major dream and travel to Japan someday and meet the JP101 staff and that hot people Japan has I also have Japanese friends and they have teach me alot I love them and Japan forever and if things come well I plan to move from New York City and live in Tokyo until my lasts days of my life and I’m really working harder to make my wish come true!

:D When I died I will incinerate my self and divided my ashes into three parts USA, Mexico and Japan! because that’s were I belong your welcome aboard to discuss about JP101 staff and members because there are lot of darksides that JP101 staff and members occult so much truths that no one knows so if your interest in knowing them and want to share your opinion too then this your forum! See ya hope to hear from you soon! 8)

mobile: 347 743-7674
Last edited by Ulver_684 on August 29th, 2006 3:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

Expert on Something
Posts: 869
Joined: July 19th, 2006 6:31 pm

Who would appear? ^_^ lol

Postby Ulver_684 » August 27th, 2006 9:31 pm

I would post of what I think of them and the truths of JP101 members then later on I will post about JP101 staff its gonna get hot so stay tuned! :)

Here is the list of the JP101 members that I will give my opinion and say all their truths:

1. Daniel-san
2. Jason-san
3. Vicky-san
4. Hugo-san
5. Rei-san
6. Alan-san
7. Sean-somers
8. Mark-san
9. Liz-san
10. Clienad-san
11. Katie-san
12. Brody-san
13. Rei-kun-san
14. Jockson-san
15. Laura-san
16. Belton-san
17. Solvi-san
18 Claudien from Italy-san
and more all members than listen to the podcast and post in the lesson!

Here is the list of the JP101 staff that I will give my opinion and say all their truths:

1. Peter-san
2. Sakura-san
3. Yoshi-san
4. Chigusa-san
5. Maki-san
6. Nathan-san
7. Eran-san
8. Japanesepod101
9. Takeshi-san
10. Shakespear-san
and all the staff that podcast in lesson and post in lesson comments seldom, rarely, sometimes!
Last edited by Ulver_684 on August 29th, 2006 3:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Expert on Something
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Joined: July 29th, 2006 12:38 am

Postby Airth » August 28th, 2006 1:33 pm

Hello Sindy. I'm really pleased that you have found so much enjoyment and inspiration from this site and its podcasts. I hope you'll be able to maintain your interest and one day master the language, as you seem really taken with Japan in general.

Actually, I would much rather hear about your views on Japan and what's happening in your part of the world, than what you think about the people here. Perhaps you only plan to say wonderful things about everyone, though you mentioned something about a 'darkside', but I think you'll find it more rewarding if you simply interact with everyone and forget about exposing some sort of 'truth'.

So anyway, why not tell us what you find so fascinating about Japan? I'd like to hear more about your culture and background, and how it relates to Japan.

Expert on Something
Posts: 869
Joined: July 19th, 2006 6:31 pm

Yes Your Right! ^_^ lol

Postby Ulver_684 » August 29th, 2006 2:58 am

Aerith Thank you for your interest in my life! :wink: of course I will tell you my whole life and how is related to Japan after I finish saying all I have to say to all these people because I have encouring feelings for everyone good and bad! They need to know and I need to take it out so I can be in peace again! You know this is something Psicologial and philosophic way of mine! :D
Anyway after I finish with these new surprises await so stay tuned and thanks for your time hope to hear from you soon feel free to e-mail me, PM me, or call my mobile which ever way you prefer and if you don't want to paid the call don't worry make the call in way I pay not you ok! 8)

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » August 30th, 2006 11:25 pm

This forum will not be your sounding board to air your so-called "truths" about the jpod101 staff and/or listeners. I'll make sure of that.

Manager of Mobile & Mac Applications

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