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いにょん subtitles are close but don't match

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Re: いにょん subtitles are close but don't match

Postby community.japanese » July 7th, 2013 5:00 am

tpgames3546-san, cloa513ch2629-san, videovillain-san,

I understand "speaking too fast" thing :lol:
I've made several comments to J-Pod listeners who wish to learn with TV programmes, and
I usually recommend kids shows. If ever possible, getting transcription would help you a lot.
Kids shows are meant for native speakers (kids), but characters (human or mapets) usually
enunciate and speak slowly to the level not sounding weird.

Like I wrote in earlier comment, using dramas and other TV programmes with subtiles help
in understanding "what we'd say in Japanese/English in this situation".

Speaking of Hurry Potter, I actually used the volume 1 with casette tape (yeah, I know, it'd indicate
I'm "old" :lol: ) to practice my pronunciation.
It's also true that I'm kinda lazy person, so I prefer listening than reading :mrgreen:
(One of the main reasons why I like better "transcription" than "translation" when I do such jobs...)

On a very separate note, it'd be always the best, if and when you're ready, to use only one (target) language
without interruption of other language (especially mother tongue).
This is due to the scientific fact about brain functioning called "code switching". Once your brain gets its mode
in your mother tongue, it's difficult to "switch" to foreign language, although it's very easy to switch from
foreign language to mother tongue. For this change/switch, vistual aid/approach is better than audio
because if you hear mother tongue, your brain immediately adjust the mode back to your most comfortable language. 8)


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Re: いにょん subtitles are close but don't match

Postby tpgames3546 » July 7th, 2013 3:14 pm


I need to learn to write the Kana in order to imprint the word on my brain. In the other languages, I'm really focusing more on German because I know it better. I just need to learn more vocabulary so that I can read HPotter 1. I own the book, but haven't gotten off the first chapter yet.

As far as thinking in a language, I just use what ever word in whatever language that I like better or is faster. I use "wo" for where because its faster. (German) Currently, I'm writing a story using British English even though American English is my native tongue.

My method: My brain needs to get used to hearing and seeing a language for a good year before its ready to learn it like other people can. This is why I'll download the videos and just listen to it, read the transcripts, but not try and memorize anything yet. I'm just getting used to hearing where one group of sounds ends, and another begins. I'm also focused on learning how to write the kana because I'll have to write the words on my brain before I can make the words stick in my brain.

And, during that process, I'll learn more German vocabulary. Another thing I'll do, is try to find Japanese radio station using google and try to find how to listen in without using the picture clues. I used to be able to do this in Polish, Russian and Swedish (but haven't done this in a few years, so forgot those words. :lol: ).

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Re: いにょん subtitles are close but don't match

Postby community.japanese » July 11th, 2013 6:15 am

you're doing very well; learning kana actually is important and you recognised that :wink:
Your mothod sounds very efficient indeed :D
The important thing is to understand what's the best method for yourself, and it seems you already
have one. So, I'm sure you can do just fine!
If and when you need some help and/or have questions, please feel free to ask us! :wink:


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