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cloa513ch2629 wrote:What has whether they use true transcription (in the linguistic of represent spoken Japanese by written Japanese) got to do with English.
community.japanese wrote:cloa513ch2629-san, tpgames3546-san,
Finding something on YouTube sounds brilliant idea although, like you said, accuracy of translation/subtitle
is unknown or not-guaranteed.
There's another website I often use: Daily Motion.
I saw some Japanese TV drama (serious ones, not comedy) with English subtitles.
It's obviously done by the poster/auther, but it was not too bad.
But again, "not too bad" means "good as subtitle" NOT literal translation of course.
Subtitles must not have literal translation because it's a very special translation style.
Subtitle translators are usually very well trained and they know what they're doing.
Interesting topic about subtitles for commedy. I can't help thinking how difficult it'd be
to put subtitles for any commedy actually. I myself can't do it; it's really difficult.
As far as I'm concerned, the subtitles translation for commedy is the most difficult type.
If the translator killed the humour, that's a fatal error as translator, but probably
s/he couldn't know how to intergrate it? I don't know...
I want to watch Friends with subtitles; it must be very difficult to apply the same humour level in Japanese
videovillain wrote:Your inquiry has been answered already, but I'll try to help out:
Sometimes too much is being said too quickly and a condenced version is required so the readers can keep up and move on to the next scene at the appropriate time. There are many more examples, but this should suffice. If there were a program designed specifically for teaching Japanese, im sure they would use the correct captions. I hope that helps!