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new site layout has made me loose my place

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new site layout has made me loose my place

Postby MagicalHamster » June 22nd, 2013 12:57 am

I used to track where I was in my lessons by finding the last number lesson that wasn't greyed (that I hadn't clicked), and would mark "lesson completed" only when I had gone through and copied all the notes from the pdf. the new layout has made me loose my place. any way to restore the function of greying clicked lessons (and restoring our old greys)?

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Re: new site layout has made me loose my place

Postby mmmason8967 » June 23rd, 2013 7:58 am

Technically it's easy to set a different colour for links that have been visited. However, it's become something that web designers don't like to do because it's controlled by your browser, not the website. That means that if you use two or more devices, they won't agree about which pages you've visited, which makes 'visited links' rather useless and often confusing.

As an alternative, maybe you could try using the 'Favourite Lesson' feature--the heart-shaped icon in the lesson list--to mark the lessons you're working on but haven't completed.


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Re: new site layout has made me loose my place

Postby team.relationships » July 10th, 2013 12:37 am

Hi mmmason8967 and MagicalHamster,

Thank you mmmason8967, this is right this is controlled by the browser.
MagicalHamster, you can mark the lessons completed by checking it just above the title of the lesson and then, it will appear checked in your lesson list.
If you haven't completed a lesson yet, you can do as advised, and check the heart-shaped icon to return back to this lesson easily.

Let me know if you need anything!

Kind regards,

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