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Postby muntasir19961716 » June 17th, 2013 5:39 pm

Hello I have been studying japanese for 7 months and have made very good progress I think. I have a few questions about my translation, I don't know whether they are good or not. I was reading manga earlier for fun and was surprised at how I could understand so much of the story! Here are a couple sentences im unsure about

Which I think means
I can’t help but notice her (his) presence
What does なっちゃうdo in this sentence, I at first thought it would have a negative connation
here is another example

I was expecting you would be aware of (sth).

Also in this sentence moraeru means what? to get? to receive?
This was my translation based on the pictures, and it seems to make

Hearing you say that makes me wanna see you.

I believe in this sentence iwareru is from iu "to say"

Thanks alot!!

I vaguely remember in the minna intermediate book I did two months ago that ちゃう is just the spoken form, is nacchau of the same meaning? How come it isnt negative?

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Re: なっちゃう

Postby ericf » June 17th, 2013 7:04 pm


〜ちゃう is an informal spoken contraction of 〜しまいます dictionary form しまう
It's added onto a verb to indicate that you did something even though you didn't intend to. An "action completed with regret" if you like.
I (inadvertently) forgot all (my) Japanese.

Oh dear, (I've) eaten the cake. Sorry!

In this case it's attached to the expression 気になる which is to worry about (something)
なる is a verb, not the negative ない

So your translation is close but I think it's an existence you can't help worrying about.


気づいて to realise
もらう to get/to receive
もらえる potential form of もらう
もらえるんじゃないか contraction of もらえるのではないか

-> I didn't think you'd be able to understand.

Yes, it's 言う(いう) to say, but it's the passive form; 言われる
Which is probably most easily translated as to hearing (something).

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Re: なっちゃう

Postby muntasir19961716 » June 17th, 2013 8:25 pm

Thanks you confirmed what I thought ^-^

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Re: なっちゃう

Postby community.japanese » June 19th, 2013 9:16 am

muntasir19961716-san, eric-san,
kon'nichiwa! :D
Thank you very much for the perfect explanation, eric-san! :kokoro:
Now I don't have to add anything; lucky me :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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