> noniesu4705 さん、

> andy-san,
Sorry for late/slow reply...!
wow, we're all happy to know that you had a great time with two girls chatting in Japanese!! Congratulations!
Sharing sports interests are diffucult, but it seems you had other topics that you all could enjoy talking about. Brilliant!
And now you want more than just a chit-chat; what a great achievement already! I'm sure you'll learn a lot faster than
you'd ever expected

I'm simply glad I could help
Okay, let's see...
"Kinou wa, eiga o mita. Dou deshita ka?"
=> It's very good! I think if you put "kinou wa, eiga o mita n desu yone?" as the first sentence, it'd be more natural.
But actually, you can simply say "kinou wa, eiga dou deshita ka?" and it's perfectly fine.
"Ju-On o shitte iru? Horaa no eiga da. Yoha(?) ga aru demo saisho no eiga o ichiban da."
=> That's difficult....
Formal: "Ju-On" o shitte imasu ka? Zokuhen mo arimasu ga, saisho no eiga ga ichiban ii desu.
Informal: "Ju-On" wa shitteru? Zokuhen mo aru kedo, saisho no ga ichiban ii yo.
"Watashi wa, kinou ga aruite toki ni ame o fute ita. Nureru ni natte demo totemo warui ja nai datta."
=> Kinou wa, ie ni kaeru toki, ame ga futte imashita. Nuremashita ga, amari hidoku wa arimasen deshita.
(Casula: Kinou, kaeru toki ame ga futte itakara nuretakedo, son'nani hidoku wa nakatta yo)
"Eigo no naka de ichiban muzukashii no koto o nan desu ka?"
=> Very close!! It's "eigo de ichiban muzukashii koto wa nandesu ka". You did quite well!
"Watashi wa, testo o shite iru"
=> Perfect
"Keitai no shashin wa, mitai. Ii desu ka?"
I want to see the photos on your phone. Is that alright? (Would "Kaitai no shashin wa, misete kudasai. Ii desu ka?" be more polite?)
=> If you want to say in a polite way, "keitai no shashin ga mitai desu. ii desu ka?" Or, using your phrase, "keitai no
shashin o misete kudasai" (no need for "iidesu ka"). I'd recommend the first one, because "misete kudasai" is stronger
than "could I see....?"; it's more "please show me...".
"Shashin o totte iru, yurushite kudasai"
Can I have your permission to take a picture? (Would "shashin o totte imasu, mou ii desu ka?" be better?)
=> There's a simple way to ask permission: Shashin o totte mo iidesu ka?
And this is polite and respectful
"Watashi no keitai wa shashin o nanimo nai"
=> Watashi wa keitai ni shashin ga arimasen.
"Watashtachi wa, kinou ni, aimashita ka?"
=> It's a tricky one...to be respectful enough, I'd recommend to say "kinou o-aimashitaka?" if
you don't know that person well, and if it's friend, "kinou, aimashita?". You can also say "kinou, aimasen deshita ka?"
By using negative form, it sounds more polite and indirect. I think it's kinda same in English, isn't it?
"Didn't we meet yesterday?" sounds more "wondering" than "asking a question" (= "Did we meet yesterday?").
So, it really depends on the situation and context.
"Ashta? Tabun iku... demo, yasumi o iru."
=> You want this in a casual way? "Ashita? Tabun iku...demo, sukoshi wa yasumitai".
By saying "sukoshi wa yasumitai", it's more "I'd like to go, but I also need at least a bit of rest".
"Watashi no shin'yuu wa, byouki ni narimashita. Sorekara byoin de ikasemashita."
My best friend became sick. Then he was forced to go to hospital.
=> Very good!! If you need to say "he was forced to go to hospital", I'd recommend;
Watashi no shin'yuu wa byouki ni natte byouin ni ikanakereba naranaku narimashita.
"Kore wa, muzukashii no hitsumon."
=> Kore wa muzukashii shitsumon desu.
"Muzukashii no hitsumon, kantan no hitsumon, dochira hoshii desu ka?"
Do you want a hard question or an easy question?
=> Muzukashii shitsumon to, kantan na shitsumon no dochiraga ii desu ka.
"Futari wa, watashi no hajimete nihonjin no tomodachi"
=> Perfect!!
"Kono kotae wa [incorrect] da."
=> Kono kotae wa machigatte imasu.
"Kon'nichiwa [name]! Kinou wa, watashi to anata ni atta. Ureshikatta!
=> Kon'nichiwa, [name]! Kinou wa anata ni aete ureshikatta!
Watashi wa getsuyoubi [place] ni iku tsumori. Hanashitai? Eigo o renshuu shitai? Watashi no keitai denwa bango: [number]. Keitai meiru o shite kudasai!
=> This is perfect! (you can even drop the word "keitai" in the last sentence.)
Natural casual way I'd suggest would be;
Getsuyobi, [place] ni iku tsumori. Moshi hanashitari, eigo o renshuu shitari shitakattara meeru shite!
Bangou wa, [number].
"Kon'nichiwa! Tsugi no nihongo/eigo no jugyou wa getsuyoubi ni arimasu. Watashi wa iku tsumori.
=> Very good!! The rest of the sentence can be same as above, so I cut it out.
> I know my Japanese is quite broken but I'd rather be incorrect but coherent than try to be correct and not be understood.
I think your attitude is correct and right. I just want to say that if you want to brush up Japanese skills in a
proper way, try not to mix "formal" and "casual" Japanese. I wasn't very sure which one you wanted to use really, so
I suggested some sentences in formal and some in casual ways (and some in both).
I usually don't recommend to jump into casual speeches, so polite (but not too polite) "...masu" and "....desu" should be
fine. If you want to use the plain form, I can give you advices on that too. As you might see, casual sentences
take a lot more ending particles and omittions in everywhere. If you use "textbook" plain form, you might sound a bit
"cold", "blunt" or the worst case, "bossy" or "insolent".
But of course, I completely understand that anyone would want to learn casual natural Japanese to use it with
friends. So, please just know that casual natural language (it's not just Japanese, but any language) has certain
risks unless you are careful; then you should be fine!
And, I assume you helped Teabag-san to create an account on our site? Thank you very much for inviting your
friend to our community!
> Teabag-san,
a BIG welcome from all JapanesePod101.com memebers!

Hope you'll enjoy our lessons
Team JapanesePod101.com