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Flashcards due? No..

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Flashcards due? No..

Postby michellehues7706 » January 11th, 2013 8:17 am

I've been adding all new words to one deck by clicking edit > add new cards > lesson vocab etc. But the cards I added three or so days ago (when I created the deck) have not been shown/become due. Only the new vocab I add on the present day shows as being 'due'. I was wondering if the spaced repetition is set on a very long time phase because I am used to my Anki deck cards 'becoming due' every 12 hours. Shouldn't Japanese Pod flashcards become due/be reviewed everyday? Or is there a problem with my deck?

Furthermore, when I go to the My Flashcards page, the deck shows 106 cards due, but when I go into the deck, it says 15 (I added about 15 today).

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Re: Flashcards due? No..

Postby Jessi » January 11th, 2013 8:54 am

Hi Michelle,
I'm checking with the the team to see if there is a bug in the flashcards, and will get back to you. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. :ue:
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Re: Flashcards due? No..

Postby michellehues7706 » January 11th, 2013 8:59 am

Gosh thanks, that was quick. I appreciate it. I guess my deck is a bit weird judging from your answer :roll:

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Re: Flashcards due? No..

Postby michellehues7706 » January 20th, 2013 6:17 am

Ok it's been over a week waiting for a reply. My deck today shows 209 cards due. Still not fixed?

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Re: Flashcards due? No..

Postby mmmason8967 » January 20th, 2013 2:23 pm

I'm also seeing a difference between the number of cards Due Now on the My Decks page and the number that are due when you open the deck. If the My Decks pages says that, say, 17 cards are due, I can work through the deck repeatedly until none are due, but the My Decks page will still say 17.

michellehues7706 wrote:Furthermore, when I go to the My Flashcards page, the deck shows 106 cards due, but when I go into the deck, it says 15 (I added about 15 today).

If you go into the Settings for the deck you'll find two values that you can set: the maximum number of cards in a session and the maximum number of unstarted cards in a session. These are set in multiples of 5 so it’s possible that some combination of the settings is responsible for you being offered 15 cards.


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Re: Flashcards due? No..

Postby michellehues7706 » January 21st, 2013 3:55 am

Ahhh. I just thought of something. I have 2 study modes unticked which are the recognition with kanji and recognition with kana and romaji. I just bet thats why! Its because I only use the flashcards for aural recognition that I set them that way.

Thanks for your suggestions though. :D

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Re: Flashcards due? No..

Postby mmmason8967 » January 21st, 2013 11:15 am

michellehues7706 wrote:Ahhh. I just thought of something. I have 2 study modes unticked which are the recognition with kanji and recognition with kana and romaji. I just bet thats why! Its because I only use the flashcards for aural recognition that I set them that way.

I think you're right! I always untick the study mode that includes romaji.

I set up a new deck and made sure all the study modes were ticked, and then I went through it until there were no cards due. Afterwards, the My Decks page showed that there were cards 'Due Today', which I assume means 'Not due now but will be due later today'. An hour or two later it has started to show cards as being 'Due Now'.

So it looks like the My Decks page includes cards in a study mode you have unticked, which would explain why it seems to get stuck and why the number is always higher than the number that's due when you open the deck.


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