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Suggested update to behaviour of "View New Posts"

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Suggested update to behaviour of "View New Posts"

Postby mmmason8967 » January 12th, 2013 8:30 pm

I'd expect the View New Posts option on the forum to display a list of messages going back some number of days. It actually appears to list messages going back to a certain date, and this date seems to get reset once a week, on Friday or Saturday. When the start date is reset, it gets set to the date when it was reset. For example, the last time it got reset was around 09:00UCT on Friday, January 11, so the View New Posts option currently list messages posted on or after January 11.

I think it would be better if the start date was reset to a date, say, five days prior to the date the reset is performed. That way the list would contain messages for at a least the last five days and at most the last twelve days.


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Re: Suggested update to behaviour of "View New Posts"

Postby community.japanese » January 13th, 2013 2:54 am

thank you very much for the suggestion!
That's true; for listeners who passionately follow the forums, missing new posts must be disappointing.
I'll share your opinion with my team (and technical team) to discuss about it :D


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Re: Suggested update to behaviour of "View New Posts"

Postby mmmason8967 » January 13th, 2013 7:07 pm


Thanks. There is no problem finding unread messages. But if you want to find a message again after you have read it, the "View New Posts" option is the easiest way.

The "View New Posts" reset again about an hour ago (18:00UCT) and at the moment it returns no results. There have been some posts today (January 13) so the list shouldn't be empty. However, it might depend on the timezone the server is set to. As far as I know, the server is in Fort Worth in the USA but it seems likely it's set to the Japanese JST timezone. If it's set to JST, then 'today' would be January 14 (because 18:00 2013-01-13 UCT is 03:00 2013-01-14 JST), which maybe explains why the list is empty.


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Re: Suggested update to behaviour of "View New Posts"

Postby mmmason8967 » January 19th, 2013 10:45 pm

Actually, I think the behaviour is caused by having your session time-out. If you log in to the website, your session is automatically terminated if you don't do anything for a certain length of time.

I had noticed that the last two times the "View New Posts" link returned an empty list, it happened when I logged back in after my session had been terminated because it was idle. So today I logged in and left it for a couple of hours so that the session would time out, and then I logged back in again. The "View New Posts" list is now empty. So now I feel pretty sure that the empty list issue is somehow with your session timing out.

It doesn't happen if you log out normally. It only happens if you let your session time out.


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Re: Suggested update to behaviour of "View New Posts"

Postby community.japanese » January 20th, 2013 5:32 am

I see. Thank you for letting us know with observation!
There's another thread talking about time stamp issue and new messages :(
This is becoming serious and we acknowledge that thanks to posts from you all. Thank you very much! :wink:


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