First of all, Happy New Year to all the JapanesePod101 staff and fellow listeners/students of Japanese.
I ran across this site over the holidays and the immediate reaction was " Where have I been the last 6 years?"
It is an awesome site, and I only wish it was available way back when I lived in Japan.
I lived in Tokyo and Yokohama in the 1990s and left Japan in June 2001 to move back here to the U.S.
I miss many things about Japan and may go back in the future.
Since I have not been exposed to Nihongo on a regular basis, I am a bit rusty to say the least and want to get a fresh start and tackle it head on. I listened to the Introduction, About, and Culture lessons and they all brought back fond memories.
My goal is to become proficient in Japanese this year (2013) and to that end I signed up for the Premium + service.
It has already proved to be a wise decision.
With the help of the Japanese Pod101 staff, their site, and my fellow "gaijin" listeners, I should have what I need to get this goal accomplished. I look forward to diving back into the Japanese language and culture. Please excuse (and please correct) my mistakes going forward.
オーバストリート デヴィッド
David Overstreet
Yorktown, VA USA