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Site link problems, can't find things...

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Site link problems, can't find things...

Postby zap5893 » December 6th, 2012 12:19 pm

Hi Lads and Lasses

There seems to be a general problem with the site; I'm trying to download a set of lessons and I am not able to and being led in rings by lots of nonworking links, so I decided to dig a little. For example, on this page: ... echsupport

...there is a mention of "Download Center", which is a clickable link. Clicking it, however, takes you back to the same page.

Opening the HTML source code, one finds that the HTML is actually broken, and there is no link!!

This explains many other behaviour, like for example the inability to get to the feeds from the feed page (just loops back to the feed page itself) etc. etc.

So something is broken in your site publishing system. Please fix!!

/Z :blob:

Jessi Team Member
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Re: Site link problems, can't find things...

Postby Jessi » December 7th, 2012 6:02 am

Hi Zap!
Thank you for posting about this!
The link is indeed incorrect, it should be leading to this page: ... loadhowto/

I will make sure it is fixed on the site soon.
Thanks again!
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