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What kind of japanese painting is this?

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What kind of japanese painting is this?

Postby JockZon » August 13th, 2006 6:27 pm

Hello! I found a nice old japanese painting today and I wonder what the inscription says and what you call this kind of painting. The characters are written by hand and therefore are hard to read for someone who is not that familiar with japanese handwriting.

The whole painting:

The characters:

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu

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Postby kawasaki » August 14th, 2006 9:22 pm

灕江烟雨 山里百丈 ■ 沛於桂林寫

this hand wrighting is called 草書体 and i guess this is chinese or old japanese kanji
so i can't read and i am not sure right or not
especially 山里百丈 and ■

灕江(漓江) and 桂林 is name of famous place in china
観光地で有名だそうです :wink:

i hope more infomation

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu

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Postby JockZon » August 15th, 2006 6:24 am

Thank you! I can make out some hiragana though. For example い?、みorよ、な?、お.
At least I am sure of the お.

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Postby JockZon » August 16th, 2006 3:45 pm

Tokorde kawasakisan. Could you romanize that please and maybe translate it? I can also see that you've written more characters than there is on the painting :o

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Postby kawasaki » August 17th, 2006 6:21 pm

I guess you see 4 and 2 and 6 kanjis there
I also thought same way first but i questioned about that writings
to a woman who learned calligraphy before
she pointed me that there are 4 and 4 (or 3) and 6 kanjis
and kanji looks like お, 4th from bottom?, (i suposed it is お too)
is not お but 於
草書体 is difficult to read for people who is not used to them
I needed helps :roll:

According to the kanjis, it probably means that

漓江 smoking of rain
vast expanse of nature
view of ?沛 at 桂林

烟(en or kemuri) is old kanji of 煙(en or kemuri), smoking
山里(sanri or yazazato) is difficult to translate for me but i think it indicates nature
山(yama) is mountain and 里(sato) is land
百(hyaku) is hundred and 丈(jou) is measure
then vast expanse of nature ???

I can't figure out what ?沛 is , sorry
漓江(rikou) and 桂林(keirin) are sights in china
I found scens there ... 00_01.html

於 is usually read as 於いて(o-ite), this indicates place
but when 於 is used one word i don't know how to read
and 寫 is old kanji of 写(sha or 写すutsu-su)

Now i wonder who is the painter ?

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Postby JockZon » August 17th, 2006 8:38 pm

Well, the only thing that indicates that is the red stamp right under the kanjis. So, is it japanese or chinese we are talking about?

And how do you pronounce the name of this kind of painting?

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Postby Bueller_007 » August 18th, 2006 6:10 am

JockZon wrote:Well, the only thing that indicates that is the red stamp right under the kanjis. So, is it japanese or chinese we are talking about?

And how do you pronounce the name of this kind of painting?

It's probably Chinese.

Just from my Chinese dictionary:

於 means "in, of", etc.
漓江 means "Lijiang River".
烟 means "smoke", so 烟雨 just means "rain and mist", I think.
山里 means "mountains" or "mountainous region".
沛 means "many", but also "swamp".
桂林 is "Guilin". It's a Chinese city famous for the karsts nearby. (I have a picture of Yangshuo (in Guilin) on my blog if you go there: It's the second picture from the bottom.)
寫 means "write", "transcribe", "copy".

The style 草書体 is pronounced "soushotai".

FYI, I can't read any of the words on that painting.

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Postby kawasaki » August 18th, 2006 6:28 pm

It's probably Chinese

The red stamp is definitely painter's name
Right part is 黄, but i can't figure out left part at all

This kind of painting is called 山水画 read as san-sui-ga

Thank you Bueller_007 san
I don't have chinese dictionary so i couldn't pronouns them
陽朔(Yangshuo) seems good place to visit
きれいな写真ですね :)

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Postby JockZon » August 19th, 2006 6:57 am

okey so the text is chinese, do you think the painting is also chinese?

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Postby Bueller_007 » August 19th, 2006 7:38 am

JockZon wrote:okey so the text is chinese, do you think the painting is also chinese?

Hard to say, but probably yeah, considering the picture is of a Chinese landscape and the text is Chinese.

I guess it could be classical Japanese, but Chinese seems more likely to my untrained eye.

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Postby JockZon » August 20th, 2006 2:08 pm

Well if we could figure out the stamp signature we would know who painted it.

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Postby kawasaki » August 22nd, 2006 4:14 pm

I hope so

I went to stampshop and asked about it
but clerk couldn't figure it out this time

I will post when i get who painted it
the other time

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Postby kawasaki » September 12th, 2006 5:04 pm

left kanji seems 沛 and right is 黄
then name seems 黄沛

遅くなったけど、辞書を調べたらわかったよ。 :D

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